About Exsepi
Exsepi is a company based in Anadia since 1991 that provides industrial engineering services.
Performs from the stage of initial conception and design to installation and final run of integrated solutions for all specialties of Industrial Automation, Process and Industrial Control, Communications and Information Systems, Environment and Energy Efficiency.
Due to the high degree of accuracy that Exsepi imposes on each project and the vast expertise and innovation capacity of its staff, EXSEPI always put an outstanding performance in all project phases, responding to the problems of the present with solutions from the future.
Exsepi Iberia subsidiary was formed in 2015 in order to provide services more closely in the Spanish market. The offices are located in the Parque Empresarial de la Moraleja - Madrid.
Our Company's mission is the execution of studies, development and execution of projects and installation of integrated industrial solutions. We are committed to promote and develop our activity with “Quality and Innovation” in a consistent manner with the Organizational Policy and Objectives ensuring business Sustainability, Environment and the best conditions of Occupational Safety and Health.
To be a market leading service organization generating a solid image by presenting a flexible, competitive and capable structure, permanently searching for the best solutions for the customer.
Business Activities
Certifications and Awards
- ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management Systems (Electrical Installations and Industrial Automation Systems)
Implemented standards:
- NP 4457:2007 – Research Systems, Development and Innovation (SGIDI)
- NP 4377:2008 – Health and Labor safety management systems
- ISO 14001:2008 – Environmental Management Systems
Integrated Management System
The policy of Exsepi's Integrated Management System is essentially customer-oriented, simultaneously serving the interests of the organization, reflected in the following essential aspects:
- Exceed the needs and expectations of the Customer and other relevant interested parties;
- Ensure a positive view of our performance by society;
- Guarantee the success and economic sustainability of the company;
- Ensure solid partnership relations with suppliers;
- Develop the service from the perspective of reducing failure modes;
- Promote greater awareness among employees about the importance of their work in the quality of the "products", as well as their motivation towards the IMS;
- Promote the creativity of employees and disseminate knowledge;
- Consider that the development of innovative solutions is part of the company's daily activities;
- Promote personal and professional appreciation and satisfaction of employees, defining their roles and ensuring an adequate level of competencies;
- Promote Occupational Health and Safety, managing risks in the workplace and conducting their identification and monitoring to prevent injuries and health disorders;
- Commit to protecting the Environment, through the recycling of materials, minimizing environmental impact, and preventing pollution;
- Progress towards the continuous improvement of the efficacy of our Integrated Management System;
- Comply with applicable regulatory and normative requirements.